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Northwest Africa 10424
Basic information Name: Northwest Africa 10424
     This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: NWA 10424
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2015
Country: Morocco
Mass:help 58 g
Meteoritical Bulletin:  MB 104  (2015)  Eucrite-cm
Recommended:  Eucrite-cm    [explanation]

This is 1 of 56 approved meteorites classified as Eucrite-cm.   [show all]
Search for other: Achondrites, Eucrites, and HED achondrites
Comments: Approved 14 Dec 2015
Writeup from MB 104:

Northwest Africa 10424 (NWA 10424)


Purchased: Feb 2015

Classification: HED achondrite (Eucrite, cumulate)

History: A single stone of 58 g was found by nomads in Western Sahara and purchased by Giorgio Tomelleri at the Erfoud market in 2015.

Physical characteristics: The main mass has no fusion crust.

Petrography: (V. Moggi Cecchi, G. Pratesi, S. Caporali, UniFi): A cumulate eucrite mainly consisting of orthopyroxene crystals, 90-210 μm in width and mostly displaying augite exsolution lamellae, with clinopyroxene and anorthitic plagioclase. Exsolution lamellae range from 2 to 10 μm in width. Minor phases include ilmenite and chromite.

Geochemistry: (V. Moggi Cecchi, G. Pratesi, S. Caporali, UniFi) Calcic plagioclase An83.7±1.2Or1.3±0.1, n=7, low-Ca pyroxene (Fs63.7±1.3En34.4±1.2Wo1.9±0.1; n=7; Fe/Mn=33.79±0.11); pigeonite (Fs59.0±1.2En34.1±1.1Wo6.9±0.6; n=8; Fe/Mn=39.37±0.11); augite exsolution lamellae in low-Ca pyroxene (Fs34.4±1.1,En30.4±0.9Wo35.2±1.8; n=8; Fe/Mn = 37.49±0.12). Oxygen isotopes: (I. Franchi, R. Greenwood, OU) δ17O = 1.95 ‰, δ18O = 4.18 ‰, Δ17O = -0.229 ‰.

Classification: Eucrite-cm with low degree of shock and low degree of weathering.

Specimens: A total of 11.8 g specimen and one thin section is on deposit at MSN-Fi. Main mass with Giorgio Tomelleri.

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Place of purchase:Erfoud
Date:P Feb 2015
Mass (g):58
Shock stage:low
Weathering grade:low
Ferrosilite (mol%):63.7±1.3; 59.0±1.2
Wollastonite (mol%):1.9±0.1; 6.9±0.6
Classifier:V. Moggi Cecchi, S. Caporali, G. Pratesi, UniFi
Type spec mass (g):11.8
Type spec location:MSN-FI
Main mass:Tomelleri
Comments:Submitted by Vanni Moggi Cecchi
Plots: O isotopes:  
   and collections
OU: Planetary and Space Sciences Department of Physical Sciences The Open University Walton Hall Milton Keynes MK7 6AA United Kingdom, United Kingdom (institutional address; updated 8 Dec 2011)
MSN-FI: Museo di Storia Naturale “La Specola”, Sez. Mineralogia – Sistema Museale dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze Via Giorgio La Pira, 4 – 50121 Firenze, Italy; Website (institutional address; updated 24 Oct 2022)
UniFi: Università degli Studi di Firenze, P.zza S. Marco, 4 - 50121 Firenze, Italy (institutional address; updated 14 Sep 2013)
References: Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 104, MAPS 52, 2284, Octover 2017, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/maps.12930/full
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     This is 1 of 2163 approved meteorites from Morocco (plus 32 unapproved names) (plus 1 impact crater)

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