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Yucca 033
Basic information Name: Yucca 033
     This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: There is no official abbreviation for this meteorite.
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2004
Country: United States
Mass:help 105.7 g
Meteoritical Bulletin:  MB 105  (2016)  H3-6
Recommended:  H3-6    [explanation]

This is 1 of 80 approved meteorites classified as H3-6.   [show all]
Search for other: H chondrites, H chondrites (type 3), Ordinary chondrites, and Ordinary chondrites (type 3)
Comments: Approved 27 Feb 2016
Writeup from MB 105:

Yucca 033        34°44.213 N, 114°13.722 W

Arizona, United States

Find: 2004 Apr

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (H3-6)

History: Jerry A. Baird purchased the meteorite from a finder, and later donated the entire stone to Cascadia.

Physical characteristics: Brownish weathering patina occurs on broken exterior surfaces. Weathered fusion crust covers one side. Three large (0.3 to 0.7 mm across) metal grains containing angular silicates are visible on a cut face, along with numerous much smaller metal grains.

Petrography: In thin section, the sample appears to be relatively integrated, with many chondrule fragments and only a few complete chondrules present; distinct clasts typical of a breccia are absent. The material between chondrule fragments is composed of individual grains and smaller fragments. BSE imaging shows that most of meteorite contains equilibrated silicates, but that there is a fairly large (~10-15 area %) admixture of type 3 material (both magnesian and iron-rich olivine and pyroxene grains). Most of the equilibrated material contains devitrified glass or medium-sized (up to 50 µm) plagioclase feldspar grains, although a few fragments contain coarse (>100 µm) plagioclase grains. Laths of a silica polymorph were observed, as well as two grains of low-Ca pyroxene with relatively high (4.1 – 4.4 wt% Al2O3) alumina content, similar to those reported for Buck Mountain Wash. Small chromite-plagioclase objects are present. Many fragments and metal and troilite grains show a rough alignment across the section. Opaques show minor weathering (~5-10% replacement by Fe-hydroxides). Shock effects in olivine are variable from sharp optical extinction to a recrystallized clast, but most olivine grains in the section show undulose extinction with one set of planar fractures, indicating a shock stage of S3. Shock melt with zoned olivine grains set in glass is present.

Geochemistry: (M. Hutson and A. Ruzicka, Cascadia) Dominated by equilibrated olivine (median Fa18.9, N=164) and low-Ca pyroxene (median Fs15.3, N=98). Overall average including mixture of both equilibrated and more varied compositions in different lithologies is olivine (Fa18.2 ± 4.9, range Fa0.9-35.9, N=164), low-Ca pyroxene (Fs13.0±6.2Wo1.0±0.9En86.0± 6.2, range Fs0-24.7, N= 98).

Classification: H3-6 finely intermixed genomict breccia. Type 5-6 lithology implied by medium to coarse feldspar grain sizes and equilibrated olivine and pyroxene; type 3 lithology implied by common presence of magnesian and zoned olivine. Paired with Buck Mountain Wash on the basis of mineralogy, mineral chemistry, and texture.

Specimens: Cascadia holds 102.5 g in multiple pieces, in addition to two polished thin sections and a mounted butt.

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  Table 0
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Date:2004 Apr
Latitude:34°44.213 N
Longitude:114°13.722 W
Mass (g):105.7
Shock stage:S3
Weathering grade:W1
Fayalite (mol%):18.2±4.9
Ferrosilite (mol%):13.0±6.2
Wollastonite (mol%):1.0±0.9
Magnetic suscept.:5.17
Classifier:M. Hutson and A. Ruzicka, Cascadia
Type spec mass (g):102.5
Type spec location:Cascadia
Main mass:Cascadia
Comments:Lab number CML0712; field number JAB-028;; submitted by A. Ruzicka
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Cascadia: Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory, Portland State University, Department of Geology, Room 17 Cramer Hall, 1721 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201, United States; Website (institutional address; updated 28 Oct 2011)
References: Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 105, MAPS 52, 2411, September 2017. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/maps.12944/full
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United States
     Recommended::   (34° 44' 13"N, 114° 13' 43"W)

     This is 1 of 181 approved meteorites from Arizona, United States (plus 1 impact crater)
     This is 1 of 1935 approved meteorites from United States (plus 866 unapproved names) (plus 28 impact craters)
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