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Ramlat Fasad 533
Basic information Name: Ramlat Fasad 533
     This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: RF 533
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2018
Country: Oman
Mass:help 35.2 g
Meteoritical Bulletin:  MB 110  (2022)  Martian (Shergottite)
Recommended:  Martian (Shergottite)    [explanation]

This is 1 of 330 approved meteorites (plus 2 unapproved names) classified as Martian (Shergottite).   [show all]
Search for other: Martian meteorites
Comments: Approved 30 Aug 2021
Writeup from MB 110:

Ramlat Fasad 533        18°54.487’N, 53°15.353’E

Zufar, Oman

Find: 2018 Feb 03

Classification: Martian meteorite (Shergottite)

History: A single fragment was found during a search for meteorites.

Physical characteristics: Broken greenish-grey individual, 3.5 × 3.5 × 1.8 cm, smooth ablated surface with traces of fusion crust preserved on one side

Petrography: (J. Pape, E. Gnos, B. Hofmann) The sample consist mainly of olivine, pigeonitic pyroxene and maskelynitic plagioclase. Olivine grains are chemically zoned and occur as large (up to 4 mm) porphyritic grains with slightly brownish cores in a relatively fine-grained matrix mostly consisting of equigranular pyroxene and interstitial maskelynite (both up to 0.5 mm). Some olivine grains are speckled with minute Cr-spinel grains. Pyrrhotite, chromite (up to 0.3 mm) and Fe-rich spinels occur as accessory phases. Dark shock-melt pockets up to several mm are common. Strongly shocked. Low degree of weathering.

Geochemistry: (J. Pape) Olivine Fa30.5±8.3 (Fa17.7-46.1) (N = 27), olivine cores have Fa>17.7. Pigeonite has Fs26.2±5.5 and Wo12.6±7.0 (Fs20.7-35.9 Wo4.0-25.8), mean FeO/MnO = 26.9±1.9 (N = 16). Maskelynite has An69.4±2.0Or 0.6±0.3 (N = 20). Oxygen isotopes: (R. Greenwood, OU) δ18O = 4.243 δ17O = 2.520 Δ17O = 0.314 (all permil).

Classification: Based on petrography, mineral compositions and oxygen isotopes this is a olivine phyric shergottite, strongly shocked, low weathering. Paired with Ramlat Fasad 534 (found at a distance of 1060 m).

Specimens: 7.89 g and one polished thin section at NMBE. Main mass: MHTO.

Data from:
  Table 0
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Origin or pseudonym:Desert plain
Date:2018 Feb 03
Mass (g):35.149
Class:Martian (Shergottite)
Shock stage:strong
Weathering grade:low
Fayalite (mol%):30.5±8.3 (n=27)
Ferrosilite (mol%):26.2±5.5 (n=16)
Wollastonite (mol%):12.6±7.0 (n=16)
Magnetic suscept.:2.76
Classifier:J. Pape, E. Gnos, B. Hofmann
Type spec mass (g):7.89
Type spec location:NMBE
Main mass:MHTO
Finder:T. Blaise, E. Gnos, B. Hofmann, F. Mechelke, M. Sliz, I. Al-Sawafi
Comments:Field number 1802_0140; submitted by Beda Hofmann
Plots: O isotopes:  
   and collections
NMBE: Natural History Museum Bern Bernastrasse 15 CH-3005 Bern Switzerland, Switzerland; Website (institutional address; updated 2 Mar 2012)
OU: Planetary and Space Sciences Department of Physical Sciences The Open University Walton Hall Milton Keynes MK7 6AA United Kingdom, United Kingdom (institutional address; updated 8 Dec 2011)
MHTO: Ministry of Heritage and Tourism Muscat , Oman (institutional address; updated 10 Apr 2021)
References: Published in Gattacceca J., McCubbin F.M., Grossman J., Bouvier A., Chabot N.L., D'Orazio M., Goodrich C., Greshake A., Gross J., Komatsu M., Miao B., and Schrader D. (2022) The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 110. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 1-4
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Beda Hofmann         

     Recommended::   (18° 54' 29"N, 53° 15' 21"E)

     This is 1 of 2653 approved meteorites from Zufar, Oman (plus 27 unapproved names)
     This is 1 of 4526 approved meteorites from Oman (plus 419 unapproved names)
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