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Northwest Africa 14906
Basic information Name: Northwest Africa 14906
     This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: NWA 14906
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2021
Country: Morocco
Mass:help 18.2 g
Meteoritical Bulletin:  MB 111  (2023)  LL3
Recommended:  LL3    [explanation]

This is 1 of 508 approved meteorites classified as LL3.   [show all]
Search for other: LL chondrites, LL chondrites (type 3), Ordinary chondrites, and Ordinary chondrites (type 3)
Comments: Approved 9 May 2022
Writeup from MB 111:

Northwest Africa 14906 (NWA 14906)


Find: 2021 Jun

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (LL3)

History: The meteorite was found in Morocco in June 2021. B. Kormos purchased the stone from M. Graul in March 2022.

Physical characteristics: (D. Rezes, CSFK) Three identical appearing brown stones (8.04, 5.65, and 4.51 g, 18.2 g in total) with desert weathered exteriors. Cut surface reveals many sharply defined chondrules, scarce metal and numerous pores.

Petrography: (D. Rezes, CSFK) Chondritic texture with densely packed, sharply defined chondrules with an average diameter of 833 µm, N=42. The largest chondrule in the examined thin section is 4090 µm in diameter. Minor mineral phases are FeNi, troilite, chromite and Cr-spinel. Devitrified mesostasis is present in several chondrules, however chondrule glass is still observable. Olivine grains show sharp extinction.

Geochemistry: (D. Rezes, CSFK) Chondrule olivine Fa19.29±9.04 (range Fa9.93-42.62; PMD Fa=46.89%), Cr2O3(wt%)=0.09±0.10 (range 0.00-0.36), Fe/Mn=54.7±23.4, N=17; low-Ca pyroxene Fs17.52±4.74Wo0.65±0.61 (range Fs14.26-24.56Wo0.21-1.56; PMD Fs=27.05%), Fe/Mn=62.8±32.3, N=4; pigeonite Fs41.53Wo9.69, Fe/Mn=55.4, N=1; augite Fs15.52±1.06Wo35.42±6.63 (range Fs14.80-17.09Wo26.93-40.89), Fe/Mn=20.6±2.0, N=4.

Classification: Unequilibrated ordinary chondrite (LL3), estimated subtype is LL3.3. LL based on average chondrule diameter and low metal content. Estimated subtype is based on PMD Fa and Fs values and mean Cr2O3-content and sigma of ferroan olivine from Grossman and Brearley (2005). The Cr2O3 values and standard deviation of ferroan chondrule olivines are in the field of UOCs with petrologic type >3.2. The presence of glass in chondrules indicates petrologic type <3.5. Shock stage S1, weathering grade W3.

Specimens: 4 g on deposit at CSFK, B. Kormos holds the main mass and one polished thin section.

  • Grossman J.N. and Brearley A.J. (2005) The onset of metamorphism in ordinary and carbonaceous chondrites. Meteorit. Planet. Sci. 40, 87-122. (link)
Data from:
  Table 0
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Date:2021 Jun
Mass (g):18.2
Shock stage:S1
Weathering grade:W3
Fayalite (mol%):19.29±9.04 (N=17)
Ferrosilite (mol%):17.52±4.74 (N=4)
Wollastonite (mol%):0.65±0.61
Classifier:D. Rezes, CSFK
Type spec mass (g):4
Type spec location:CSFK
Main mass:B. Kormos
Comments:Work name: KBNWAx3; submitted by Daniel Rezes
   and collections
CSFK: Research Center for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 15-17.l Hungary, Hungary (institutional address; updated 7 Apr 2015)
References: Published in Gattacceca J., McCubbin F. M., Grossman J. N., Schrader D. L., Chabot N. L., D’Orazio M., Goodrich C., Greshake A., Gross J., Joy K. H., Komatsu M. and Miao B. (2023) The Meteoritical Bulletin, No. 111. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 58, 901–904. ?
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Daniel Rezes            


     This is 1 of 2163 approved meteorites from Morocco (plus 32 unapproved names) (plus 1 impact crater)

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