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Adrar 014
Basic information Name: Adrar 014
     This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: There is no official abbreviation for this meteorite.
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2023
Country: Algeria
Mass:help 212 g
Recommended:  Lunar (feldsp. breccia)    [explanation]

This is 1 of 344 approved meteorites classified as Lunar (feldsp. breccia).   [show all]
Search for other: Lunar meteorites
Comments: Approved 8 Feb 2024
Writeup from MB 113:

Adrar 014        27º07.8117’N, 01º02.0238’E

Adrar, Algeria

Find: 2023

Classification: Lunar meteorite (feldspathic breccia)

History: The samples were found in desert N of Timokten, Algeria, in 2023. Shun-Chung Yang purchased the samples from Ali Mftah in 2023.

Physical characteristics: Stone has a light greenish-gray exterior and is irregular shaped. Interior has a light greenish-gray brecciated texture.

Petrography: Description and classification (A. Love, App) Sample shows a melt breccia texture composed of sparsely-distributed up to 2.5 mm-sized angular to subrounded lithic and mineral clasts set within a melt matrix host with subophitic texture composed of weakly zoned olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase with an average grain size of 97 µm, n=14. Lithic clasts are anorthosites and troctolites. Mineral clasts dominated by plagioclase. Sample is transected by schlieren-textured devitrified glassy melt veins. Additional minerals are: rare ilmenite, pentlandite, chromite, spinel, troilite and barite.

Geochemistry: (A. Love, App) Clasts: olivine (Fa22.8±6.8, Fe/Mn=78.6±4.2, n=7); low Ca-pyroxene (Fs16.4Wo2.4, Fe/Mn=49.0, n=1). host: olivine (Fa22.8±2.1, Fe/Mn=85.7±5.0, n=11); pigeonite (Fs22.6±3.0Wo13.1±2.9, Fe/Mn= 52.8±1.8, n=6); high Ca-pyroxene (Fs9.9±4.1Wo38.3±8.9, Fe/Mn=36.0±6.5 n=4); plagioclase (An97.7±0.2Or0.0, n=10).

Classification: Lunar achondrite (feldspathic melt breccia A-S3 W3) Based on textures, and mineral chemistry, sample is a feldspathic melt breccia.

Specimens: Shun-Chung Yang (S-R meteorites) holds the main mass. A polished thin section and a broken individual weighing 22.66 g are on deposit at App.

Data from:
  Table 0
  Line 0:
Mass (g):212
Class:Lunar (feldsp. breccia)
Shock stage:A-S3
Weathering grade:moderate
Fayalite (mol%):23.5±4.5
Ferrosilite (mol%):22.6±3.0; 9.9±4.1
Wollastonite (mol%):13.1±2.9; 38.3±8.9
Classifier:A. Love, App
Type spec mass (g):22.66
Type spec location:App
Main mass:Shun Chung Yang (S-R Meteorites)
Comments:Submitted by Anthony Love
   and collections
App: Department of Geology, 572 Rivers St., Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608, United States (institutional address; updated 7 Mar 2013)
References: Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 113, in preparation (2024)
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     Recommended::   (27° 7' 49"N, 1° 2' 1"E)

     This is 1 of 210 approved meteorites from Adrar, Algeria (plus 1 unapproved name)
     This is 1 of 1402 approved meteorites from Algeria (plus 33 unapproved names) (plus 4 impact craters)
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