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Northwest Africa 16746
Basic information Name: Northwest Africa 16746
     This is an OFFICIAL meteorite name.
Abbreviation: NWA 16746
Observed fall: No
Year found: 2023
Country: Morocco
Mass:help 467 g
Recommended:  LL7    [explanation]

This is 1 of 102 approved meteorites classified as LL7.   [show all]
Search for other: LL chondrites, LL chondrites (type 4-7), Ordinary chondrites, and Ordinary chondrites (type 4-7)
Comments: Approved 7 Aug 2024
Writeup from MB 113:

Northwest Africa 16746 (NWA 16746)


Purchased: 2023 Oct 27

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (LL7)

History: (Ziyao Wang, WangZ) Purchased by Lu Dongdong and Wang Taiguang from a Moroccan dealer at the mineral show on Oct. 27, 2023.

Physical characteristics: (Ziyao Wang, WangZ) greenish-brown stone of 467 g, without fusion crust.

Petrography: (R. Bartoschewitz, Bart) The thin section shows a strong recrystallized fine grained (~0.1 mm) cataclastic breccia, partly with interstitial plagioclase network, plagioclase patches up to 300 µm, single pyroxen fragments up to 6 mm, and rare relict chondrules. Ca-rich augite with rare exsolution lamellae. Chromite shows sub-rounded and bulby grains up to 150 µm; metal occurs as bulby intergranular aggregates up to 100 µm and tiny silicate impregnation, often adjacent to troilite; troilite forms subrounded grains and intergranular vermicular veins. One ilmenite grain was found.

Geochemistry: (R. Bartoschewitz, Bart, and P. Appel, Kiel) Olivine Fa30.2±0.3 (n=14); low Ca pyroxene Fs24.4±0.8Wo2.2±0.3 (n=13); augite En46-59Fs10Wo44 (n=5); feldspar An10-11Or3-4 (n=6); chromite CRAL=85-87, FFM=91-92 (n=3). Taenite/tetrataenite Ni=46.3-50.0, Co=1.9-2.2 (n=6); troilite Ni<0.16 (n=11) (wt%). Magnetic susceptibility (R. Bartoschewitz, Bart) log χ (× 10-9 m3/kg) = 3.34

Classification: Ordinary chondrite (LL7, S2, W1-2). Type 7 due to plagioclase network and large plagioclase patches, Wo>2, and Ca-rich augite with exsolution lamellae.

Specimens: 13.2 g on deposit at UGött plus 8.4 g on deposit at IfP, main mass with Lu Dongdong and Wang Taiguang, 56 g and polished thin section with Bart

Data from:
  Table 0
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Origin or pseudonym:desert
Place of purchase:Beijing, China
Date:P 2023 Oct 27
Mass (g):467
Shock stage:S2
Weathering grade:W1-2
Fayalite (mol%):30.2±0.3 (n=14)
Ferrosilite (mol%):24.4±0.8 (n=13)
Wollastonite (mol%):2.2±0.3
Magnetic suscept.:3.34
Classifier:R. Bartoschewitz
Type spec mass (g):13.2 + 8.4
Type spec location:UGött
Main mass:Lu Dongdong and Wang Taiguang
Comments:working name WZ255; submitted by R. Bartoschewitz
   and collections
IfP: Institut für Planetologie, Wilhelm-Klemm-Str. 10, 48149 Münster, Germany (institutional address; updated 23 Jan 2012)
Kiel: Geologisches und Mineralogisches Museum, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Ludewig-Mayn-Str. 10, D-24118 Kiel, Germany, Germany (institutional address; updated 13 Sep 2013)
Bart: Bartoschewitz Meteorite Laboratory, Weiland 37, D-38518 Gifhorn, Germany; Website (private address; updated 30 Nov 2019)
UGött: Geowissenschaftliches Museum, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Goldschmidtstr. 3, 37077 Göttingen, Germany; Website (institutional address; updated 26 Nov 2020)
WangZ: Ziyao Wang, Hebei GEO University North Campus, Huai An dong road 127, Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province , China (private address; updated 25 Jun 2021)
References: Published in Meteoritical Bulletin, no. 113, in preparation (2024)
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Ziyao Wang      


     This is 1 of 2163 approved meteorites from Morocco (plus 32 unapproved names) (plus 1 impact crater)

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