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No records found for non-Antarctic meteorites with that are exactly "nwa 7308"

List of available types (click to see exact matches):

Acapulcoite CO3.4 Eucrite-br H3.9-6 Iron, IVA L3.9-6 LL4-7 Mesosiderite-A3/4
Acapulcoite/Lodranite CO3.5 Eucrite-cm H3.9/4 Iron, IVA-an L3.9/4 LL4-7 melt breccia Mesosiderite-A4
Achondrite (brachinite-like) CO3.6 Eucrite-melt breccia H3/4 Iron, IVB L3/4 LL4-an Mesosiderite-an
Achondrite-prim CO3.7 Eucrite-melt breccia-an H4 Iron, ungrouped L4 LL4-melt breccia Mesosiderite-B
Achondrite-prim-ung CO3.8 Eucrite-mmict H4-5 Iron? L4-5 LL4/5 Mesosiderite-B1
Achondrite-ung CR Eucrite-mmict-an H4-6 K3 L4-6 LL4/6 Mesosiderite-B2
Angrite CR2 Eucrite-pmict H4-6-melt breccia K4 L4-melt breccia LL5 Mesosiderite-B2/3
Aubrite CR2-an Eucrite-unbr H4-an L L4-melt rock LL5-6 Mesosiderite-B3
Aubrite-an CR6 H H4-melt breccia L(H)3 L4/5 LL5-7 Mesosiderite-B4
Brachinite CR7 H(5?) H4/5 L(LL)3 L4/5-melt breccia LL5-an Mesosiderite-C
Brachinite-an CV2 H(L)3 H4/6 L(LL)3.10 L5 LL5-melt breccia Mesosiderite-C2
C CV3 H(L)3-an H5 L(LL)3.5-3.7 L5-6 LL5/6 Mesosiderite-C3
C-ung CV3-an H(L)3.1 H5-6 L(LL)5 L5-7 LL6 Mesosiderite?
C1-ung CV7 H(L)6 H5-7 L(LL)6 L5-an LL6-7 OC
C1/2-ung CVox3 H-an H5-an L(LL)~4 L5-melt breccia LL6-an OC3
C2 CVox3.4 H-imp melt H5-melt breccia L-imp melt L5/6 LL6-melt breccia OC4
C2-ung CVoxA3 H-melt breccia H5/6 L-melt breccia L6 LL6/7 OC4-an
C3 CVoxB3 H-melt rock H6 L-melt rock L6-an LL7 OC4-melt breccia
C3-ung CVred3 H-metal H6-an L/LL-melt rock L6-melt breccia LL7-melt breccia OC5-an
C3.00-ung CVred3.1 H/L-melt rock H6-melt breccia L/LL3 L6-melt rock LL<3.5 Pallasite
C3/4-ung Diogenite H/L3 H6/7 L/LL3-5 L6/7 LL? Pallasite, PES
C4-ung Diogenite-an H/L3-4 H7 L/LL3-6 L7 LL~3 Pallasite, PMG
C5/6-ung Diogenite-melt breccia H/L3.5 H7-melt breccia L/LL3.10 L7-melt breccia LL~4 Pallasite, PMG-an
CB Diogenite-melt rock H/L3.6 H? L/LL3.2 LL LL~4/5 Pallasite, ungrouped
CBa Diogenite-olivine H/L3.7 Howardite L/LL3.4 LL(L)3 LL~5 Pallasite?
CBb Diogenite-pm H/L3.9 Howardite-an L/LL3.5 LL(L)3.1 LL~6 Pseudometeorite
CH/CBb Discredited H/L4 Howardite-melt breccia L/LL3.6/3.7 LL(L)3.2 Lodranite R
CH3 Doubtful achondrite H/L4-5 H~3 L/LL4 LL(L)5 Lunar R3
Chondrite-ung Doubtful chondrite H/L4/5 H~4 L/LL4-6 LL-melt breccia Lunar (anorth) R3-4
CI1 Doubtful eucrite H/L5 H~4-6 L/LL4/5 LL-melt rock Lunar (bas. breccia) R3-5
CK Doubtful Iron H/L6 H~4/5 L/LL5 LL3 Lunar (bas/anor) R3-6
CK3 Doubtful meteorite H/L6-melt rock H~5 L/LL5-6 LL3-4 Lunar (bas/gab brec) R3.4
CK3-6 Doubtful OC H/L~4 H~6 L/LL5/6 LL3-5 Lunar (basalt) R3.5-4
CK3-an Doubtful pallasite H3 Impact Crater L/LL6 LL3-6 Lunar (feldsp. breccia) R3.5-6
CK3/4 Doubtful stone H3-4 Impact melt breccia L/LL6-an LL3-6 melt breccia Lunar (feldsp. melt rock) R3.6
CK4 E H3-5 Iron L/LL~4 LL3-7 Lunar (frag. breccia) R3.7
CK4-6 E3 H3-6 Iron, IAB complex L/LL~5 LL3-melt breccia Lunar (gabbro) R3.8
CK4-an E4 H3-7 Iron, IAB-an L/LL~6 LL3.0 Lunar (melt breccia) R3.8-5
CK4/5 E5 H3-an Iron, IAB-MG L3 LL3.00 Lunar (norite) R3.8-6
CK5 E6 H3-melt breccia Iron, IAB-sHH L3-4 LL3.05 Lunar (olivine gabbro) R3.9
CK5-6 EH H3.0-3.4 Iron, IAB-sHL L3-5 LL3.1 Lunar (olivine gabbronorite) R3/4
CK5-an EH-melt rock H3.05 Iron, IAB-sHL-an L3-6 LL3.10 Lunar (troct) R4
CK5/6 EH3 H3.10 Iron, IAB-sLH L3-7 LL3.10-3.5 Lunar (troct. anorth.) R4-5
CK6 EH3/4-an H3.15 Iron, IAB-sLL L3-melt breccia LL3.10-5 Lunar (troct. melt breccia) R4-6
CK6-an EH4 H3.2 Iron, IAB-sLM L3.00 LL3.15 Lunar (troct. melt rock) R4-an
CL3 EH4/5 H3.4 Iron, IAB-sLM-an L3.05 LL3.2 L~3 R4/5
CL3.9 EH5 H3.4-5 Iron, IAB-ung L3.1 LL3.3 L~3-6 R5
CL4 EH6 H3.4/3.5 Iron, IAB? L3.10 LL3.4 L~4 R5-6
CM EH6-melt breccia H3.5 Iron, IC L3.15 LL3.5 L~4-6 R6
CM-an EH7-an H3.6 Iron, IC-an L3.2 LL3.6 L~5 Relict H
CM1 EL-melt rock H3.6-4 Iron, IIAB L3.3 LL3.6/3.7 L~6 Relict iron
CM1/2 EL3 H3.6-6 Iron, IIC L3.4 LL3.7 Martian Relict meteorite
CM2 EL3/4 H3.7 Iron, IID L3.5 LL3.7-6 Martian (augite basalt) Relict OC
CM2-an EL4 H3.7-5 Iron, IID-an L3.5-5 LL3.8 Martian (chassignite) Relict ureilite
CM2.0 EL4/5 H3.7/3.8 Iron, IIE L3.6 LL3.8-4 Martian (nakhlite) Stone-uncl
CO3 EL5 H3.8 Iron, IIE-an L3.7 LL3.8-6 Martian (polymict breccia) Stony iron
CO3-an EL5-melt breccia H3.8-4 Iron, IIF L3.7-6 LL3.9 Martian (shergottite) Terrestrial rock
CO3-melt breccia EL6 H3.8-5 Iron, IIG L3.7/3.8 LL3.9/4 Martian (vesicular basalt) Unknown
CO3.0 EL6/7 H3.8-6 Iron, IIIAB L3.8 LL3/4 Mesosiderite Ureilite
CO3.05 EL7 H3.8-an Iron, IIIAB-an L3.8-5 LL4 Mesosiderite-A Ureilite-an
CO3.1 Enst achon H3.8/3.9 Iron, IIIAB? L3.8-6 LL4-5 Mesosiderite-A1 Ureilite-mmict
CO3.1-an Enst achon-ung H3.8/4 Iron, IIIE L3.8-an LL4-5 melt breccia Mesosiderite-A2 Ureilite-pmict
CO3.2 Eucrite H3.9 Iron, IIIE-an L3.9 LL4-6 Mesosiderite-A2/3 Winonaite
CO3.3 Eucrite-an H3.9-5 Iron, IIIF L3.9-5 LL4-6-melt breccia Mesosiderite-A3 Winonaite-an

No records found for non-Antarctic meteorites with that are exactly "nwa 7308"

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