Starting with a generous contribution from William K. Hartmann, followed by member contributions and matching funds from the DPS Committee, a limited number of student travel grants are made available to assist toward participating at the annual DPS meeting.ย  Travel grants are primarily intended for students, but post-doctoral scientists without other means of support will also be considered. Travel grants for the Denver 2013 meeting are intended to provide a supplement that makes the difference on whether or not a student is able to attend the annual meeting. In some cases the travel grant may be requested to cover the meeting registration fee. Preference is given to students who have not received a Travel Grant in the past.

The deadline for applications will be will be 5:00 PM PDT, Friday July 25, 2013. Late applications cannot be accepted.

Please see the Hartmann Travel Grant page at the DPS web site http://dps.aas.org/meetings/travel_grant_applicationย where detailed information on submittal and format will be available in a few days.

Email your application to: [email protected]