We are well into the 2nd decade of continuous Mars observations that began with
MGS and have continued with ODY, MEX, MRO, and our landed spacecraft. Bridged to earlier times by spacecraft observations from the 1960s onwards, and a continuous telescopic campaign, our view of Mars is now one of a planet on which surface and atmospheric changes occur at frequencies of days, years, and decades, a testament to long-term monitoring that continues to this day. At this time, it is appropriate that this record, with implications for Martian geology, climate, atmospheric dynamics, and other processes, be integrated into a journal special section, submitted to Icarus
by November 15, 2013.
This special issue is for papers that:
- Include surface, sub-surface, and atmosphere observations, or model results, that are new and a unique outcome of the longterm data acquisition provided by Mars spacecraft and telescopes
- Highlight the long-term implications of processes that are observed and ongoing now
- Are not reviews of previous work Author guidelines for preparation of manuscript can be found at http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/505620/authorinstructions
Please contact the editorial office at [email protected] with any questions.