Everyone is permitted an additional E/PO abstract that does not count against your science abstract limit. Consider submitting to the four highlighted sessions below:

* Educator Professional Development Programs Promoting Authentic Scientific Research. Presentations are welcome from educators and scientists, and those who design, facilitate, evaluate or fund such programs.

* Engaging Engineers in Education and Public Outreach: Models of Success for Teaching Students. We invite scientists, engineers, and E/PO professionals to share tools, resources, and examples of successful projects that supports students’ understandings aligned
with the Next Generation Science Standards.

* Scientist Engagement in Education and Public Outreach: Sharing Effective Tools, Resources, and Stories of Success. We invite presenters to share tools, resources and stories of success that report lessons learned about sharing their work in E/PO settings.

* Student Professional Communities – representatives and alumni from student groups are invited to share how their group was founded, how it is organized and funded, what activities the group does to benefit its student members, and any information on outcomes.

Learn more at:

Abstracts are due on August 6th.

Contact Sanlyn Buxner ([email protected]) or Jen Grier ([email protected])
for information.