“WISE at 5” Conference

PIA17254WISE at 5: Legacy and Prospects
February 10-12, 2015
Beckman Institute Auditorium
California Institute of Technology
 Twitter hashtag: #wise5

This conference will celebrate what has been done with WISE, what is being done with NEOWISE, and what will be done in the future.

NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) was launched into orbit 5 years ago, and surveyed the entire mid-infrared sky in 2010. The satellite resumed surveying as NEOWISE in December 2013, and by the time of the conference will be on its fifth pass over the sky. Over 1,000 refereed papers based on the data have now been published, with results ranging from the discovery of the first Earth Trojan asteroid, to challenging the standard paradigm for quasar unification.

WISE and NEOWISE topics to be covered include:

  • Discoveries
  • Data Tips and Techniques
  • Extreme Sources
  • Synergy with Other Surveys
  • Time Domain
  • Follow-up Observations
  • Future Uses

Confirmed speakers include:

  • Ned Wright (UCLA)
  • Amy Mainzer (JPL)
  • Kevin Luhman (Penn State)
  • Nadia Zakamska (Johns Hopkins)
  • Željko Ivezić (U. Washington)

For further information, see the conference website: http://wise5.ipac.caltech.edu/