Job Number 11125
Research Scientist (Lab Manager)
Arizona State University
Center for Meteorite Studies/School of Earth and Space Exploration
The Center for Meteorite Studies (CMS) in the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University invites applications for a Research Scientist (Lab Manager) position. The successful candidate will be responsible for the day-to-day operation and management of the Isotope Cosmochemistry and Geochronology Laboratory, which includes a Thermo Neptune MC-ICPMS (equipped with a Photon Machines excimer laser ablation system) and an associated clean chemistry laboratory for ultra low-blank sample preparation.
The successful candidate will be expected to conduct independent research and to participate in ongoing research in isotope cosmochemistry. Ongoing research projects include the development of fine-scale radiometric chronometers and their application towards high resolution chronology of early solar system and planetary processes; characterization of mass dependent fractionation of the stable isotopes of a variety of elements to understand nebular and planetary processes; characterization of non-mass dependent isotopic anomalies to constrain nucleosynthetic inputs to the solar nebula.
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