The Israeli Institute for Advanced Studies is happy to announce the 33rd Jerusalem Winter School on Exoplanets.  The school, aimed at advanced graduate students and postdocs, will take place in Jerusalem, Israel, from Dec 28, 2015 – Jan 8, 2016, with Profs. Dave Stevenson (Caltech) and Re’em Sari (Hebrew University) as directors. Lecturers include Dave Charbonneau, Tristan Guillot, Yoram Lithwick, Tsevi Mazeh, Ruth Murray-Clay, Adam Showman, Giovanna Tinetti and Scott Tremaine.

Through systematic lectures on the foundations of planetary origin, evolution and structure, this school will provide the background needed to explore and interpret the remarkable detection of thousands of exoplanets around other stars. This sets the stage for a more detailed understanding of their properties and system architecture in the coming decade.

The school also organizes several excursions in Israel, including inspiring visits to the old city of Jerusalem, the Dead Sea and Masada.

Some financial aid is available for those who need it. Application to the school is through http://www.as.huji.ac.il/content/exoplanets