The Geological Society of Italy (GSI; founded in 1881) is having planetary geology together with terrestrial geology topics in the same sessions with the aim of favouring interdisciplinary dialogue and collaborations. A complete list of the available sessions, conveners and keynote speakers is available for each session can be found here:

The 88th Conference of the GSI will be held in Naples, 7-9 September 2016, with a rich programme of excursions in the fantastic surroundings of the city, including the Vesuvius and the Campi Flegrei. All the relevant information can be found here:

I would like to draw your attention to session P8, which will also include planetary volcanism and tectonics. This session will discuss the current state of knowledge about the interaction between tectonics and igneous activity in different geodynamic settings, with a focus on mid-plate settings and subduction zones. We invite contributions from a broad range of Earth and planetary scientists, who employ different techniques to assess various magma-tectonic processes in ancient and recent tectonic settings, and the relationships between volcanism and tectonic structures at global, regional or local scale.

Best regards,

Giovanni Leone