Dear Colleagues:
NASAโs Planetary Science Division (PSD) is announcing the establishment of the Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC), a new committee replacing the Planetary Science Subcommittee (PSS) of the NASA Advisory Council, Science Committee (NAC SC). The PAC has been constituted under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) and will advise the Planetary Science Division of the NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD). On December 2, 2016, NASA provided notice of their establishment via Federal Register Notice 16-083.
The Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC) ( ) supports the advisory needs of the Planetary Science Division (PSD), the Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and other mission directorates as required, and NASA Administrator. The scope of the PAC includes all aspects of NASAโs planetary science program. In addition to scientific research, the scope also encompasses considerations of the development of near-term enabling technologies, systems, and computing and information management capabilities, as well as developments with the potential to provide long-term improvements in future mission operational systems. Responsibility for biological planetary protection is outside the purview of the PAC.
NASAโs PSD is extending the invitation for nominations for service on the PAC. Interested member of the community are invited to review the charter and to submit self-nominations for consideration to fill intermittent vacancies on the committees.
To be considered by NASA, self-nomination packages from interested U.S. citizens must be sent to NASA as an email and must include the name of the Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC). The deadline for NASA receipt of all public nominations is March 31, 2017.
The following information is required to be included as part of each self-nomination package:
(1) a cover email including the name and full mailing and email addresses of nominee;
(2) a professional resume (one-page maximum, included as an attachment); and,
(3) a professional biography (one-page maximum; included as an attachment).
Please submit the nomination as a single package containing the cover email and both required attachments electronically to the email for the Planetary Science Advisory Committee (PAC): [email protected]. All self-nomination packages must be submitted electronically via email to NASA; paper-based documents sent through postal mail (hard-copies) will not be accepted.
Self-nomination packages that do not include the three (3) mandatory elements listed above will not receive further consideration by NASA.
The following qualifications/experience are highly desirable in nominees, and should be clearly presented in their self-nomination packages:
- At least 10 years post-Ph.D. research experience including publications in the scientific field of the committee for which they are nominated, or comparable experience;
- Leadership in scientific and/or education and public outreach fields as evidenced by award of prizes, invitation to national and international meetings as speaker, organizer of scientific meetings/workshops, or comparable experience;
- Participation in NASA programs either as member of NASA mission science team, Research and Analysis program, membership on an advisory/working group or a review panel, or comparable experience;
- Good knowledge of NASA programs in the scientific field of the committee for which they are applying, including the latest NASA Science Plan (available as a link from; and,
- Knowledge of the latest Decadal Survey conducted by the National Academies or other relevant advisory reports for the scientific field of the committee.
Nominees from any category of organizations or institutions within the U.S. are welcome, including, but not limited to, educational, industrial, and not-for-profit organizations, Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs), University Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs), NASA Centers, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and other Government agencies. Nominees need not be presently affiliated with any organization or institution.
There will also be member vacancies from time to time throughout the year, and NASA will consider self-nominations to fill such intermittent vacancies as well. Nominees will only be contacted should a vacancy be available and it is judged that their area(s) of expertise is appropriate for that specific vacancy. NASA is committed to selecting members to serve on the committee based on their individual expertise, knowledge, experience, current/past contributions to the relevant subject area and overall diversity of the committee. These appointments are non-compensated. These are not full-time positions. Successful nominees will be required to attend meetings of the committee approximately two or three times a year, either in person (NASA covers travel-related expenses for this non-compensated appointment) or via telecon and/or virtual meeting medium. All successful nominees will be required to submit confidential financial disclosure forms, and undergo conflict of interest reviews by the NASA Office of the General Counsel, before their appointment can be finalized. Once appointed, successful nominees will be required to complete FACA training and annual ethics briefings. Successful nominees who are not U.S. Government employees will be formally appointed as Special Government Employees (SGEs).
James. L. Green
Director, Planetary Science Division