Summer school “Impacts and their role in the evolution of Life” (Saaremaa, Estonia, 25 July – 3 August 2017)

Summer school “Impacts and their role in the evolution of Life” (Saaremaa, Estonia, 25 July – 3 August)

This school will give attendees a thorough introduction into impacts, impactors, and the role of impacts in the evolution of life.

Apart from lectures, poster presentations, student-led discussions and excursions to geologically interesting sites several practical exercises including

  • Search for meteorite fragments
  • Microscopy of pollen in order to assess the ecological consequences of impacts
  • Petrographic microscopy of impactites
  • Electrometric and georadar mapping of impact sites
  • Excavation into the boundary layer between the ejecta blanket and the glacial till

as well as excursions to other geologically interesting sites are planned.The website for the summer school can be found under:

Deadline for applications in the 30th April 2017. Please forward this announcement possibly interested students and early career scientists.

Bursaries are available for students and scientists from the Universities of Tartu, Turku, Tallinn, Vilnius, Porto, Utrecht, Bordeaux, Iceland, Stockholm and the Open University.