Final Reminder: IAVCEI session I.1 Planetary Volcanology
Dear Colleagues,
The abstract submission deadline for the IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly in Portland, OR on August 14–18, 2017 has been extended to March 22, 2017.
We therefore invite you once more to submit an abstract to our session on Planetary Volcanology.
Volcanic activity is a hallmark of almost every large solid-surface body in the Solar System. In this session, we solicit contributions exploring the myriad styles of volcanic landforms and processes on Solar System bodies (planets, moons, or asteroids) using field observations, remotely sensed data, laboratory or numerical simulations, or some combination thereof. We especially welcome submissions of comparative analyses between volcanism on Earth and on other worlds, or between other planetary bodies.
You can submit your abstract here:
Planets are cool and so are volcanoes so see if you can join us!
Paul K. Byrne (North Carolina State University)
DelWayne R. Bohnenstiehl (North Carolina State University)
Patrick J. McGovern (Lunar and Planetary Institute)