DPS Professional Culture and Climate Subcommittee (PCCS)

The DPS Professional Culture and Climate Subcommittee (PCCS) is currently soliciting nominations (including self-nominations) for membership for a two-year term. The purpose of the PCCS is to work towards making the community of planetary scientists an environment in which professional merit is the only criterion that determines each person’s success. The detailed charge of the PCCS, along with a list of current members, is available on the DPS web site: https://dps.aas.org/leadership/climate

The PCCS is seeking new members who are interested in working on issues that promote a broadly inclusive professional planetary science community. Members are expected to participate in bi-monthly telecons, along with completing individual or group tasks between our regularly scheduled calls. Any active DPS member who is interested in participating in the PCCS should send an expression of interest containing a 2-3 sentence biographical sketch and a 2-3 sentence description of why you wish you serve on PCCS, including a description of any prior experience you may have in working on diversity and inclusion-related issues.

Expressions of interest should be sent to the PCCS Incoming Chair, Julie Rathbun, at [email protected]