DPS: Carbonaceous Asteroids – Connections Between Surfaces and Interiors

Time: 10/18/2017 from 12pm to 1pm.
Location: Battle Creek – Provo Utah Convention Center

Planetary Resources, the asteroid mining company, is developing methodology to quantify water abundance on volatile-rich C-complex NEAs in order to perform resource assessment. While spectral measurements in the visible to near-infrared regions can reveal a NEA’s hydration state, these reflectance measurements are only sensitive to the optical surface. Additionally, spectral measurements of surface hydration (and spectral measurements in general) can be affected by poorly understood processes that may hinder accurate resource assessment. As such, a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms affecting asteroid
surfaces is required. The goal of this workshop is to bring together experts from across multiple disciplines to facilitate a broad technical discussion around this complex challenge. Topics of interest for discussion include but are not limited to space weathering, thermal processing of asteroid surface material, carbonaceous chondrite mineralogy, regolith formation and sorting, solar wind implantation of H, and any other processes that may affect the quantification of water on asteroids.

Please direct questions to the organizer:

Akbar Whizin
Planetary Resources, Inc.
[email protected]