Carbon in the Solar System Workshop

April 25-27, 2018
Denver, CO

With recent results from the Pluto system, the Saturn system, Mercury, and nearly all points in between, the time is right to hold a workshop to discuss and synthesize these results to improve our understanding of the role of carbon in the solar system, how it evolves and how to recognize it. The workshop will include invited and contributed talks on observational, lab and modeling work related to carbon and carbonaceous species on solar system bodies. The workshop will emphasize discussion in addition to talks and posters, to encourage cross-communication within the community. This workshop is planned to be the first of two workshops, with the second held (on TBD dates in the future) to review and share work stemming from discussions at the first workshop (i.e. to address questions that come up at the first workshop). The workshop will be limited to 100 for in-person attendance. Webcast capabilities will be used to allow remote participation. Abstracts will be due March 6.