AIDA/DART Spring 2018 Investigation Team Meeting

Second Announcement and Registration Reminder
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel MD

The DART Investigation Team will have a one-day meeting on April 9, 2018. This meeting will be used to discuss the status of DART and the collaborative AIDA project, present work done by the Investigation Team during DART’s Preliminary Design Phase (“Phase B”), and prepare for a
possible transition to Final Design and Fabrication Phase (“Phase C”) later in 2018. We welcome community interest and participation in general discussion, and plan to provide for remote access.

Registration is required for onsite participants so that we can generate a visitor log, but there is no registration fee and no abstracts are solicited. We note that it is particularly important for
people who are not US citizens to register by the deadline. We will not be able to accommodate non-citizen walk-ins. The registration deadline is March 23.

Further details including the current agenda and registration link can be found at