NASA FDL 2018 Summer Program: Applications Closing Soon

NASA Frontier Development Lab (FDL) is an applied Artificial Intelligence research accelerator that pairs researchers from the space sciences with data scientists for an intense 8-week concentrat-ed study to apply AI to challenges important to space exploration and humankind.
FDL runs between June 25 – August 17, 2018.

We are looking for doctorate or post-doc researchers interested in the following challenge areas:

Space Weather
Space Resources

Additional challenges looking at orbital debris and exoplanets may be added, pending partner interest.

This year we are also running a challenge in partnership with the European Space Agency, which will run in parallel. FDL Europeโ€™s focus will be on Earth Observation.

FDL is hosted by the SETI Institute and NASA Ames in Mountain View, CA; and ESA Esrin in Europe. Compute and AI advisory is provided by IBM, Intel, Nvidia, Lockheed Martin and Google.

Researchers will receive a stipend and are provided with accommodation for the duration.

Applications will be accepted until the closing date of April 3.

Apply now at:!/apply

For further details on the program, please visit our website: