The Center for Lunar Science and Exploration is excited to share its science topics with the public through fantastic traveling exhibits. Designed for libraries, science centers, museums, community centers, and schools, these portable exhibit displays use colorful images and informative text to share current lunar science and exploration stories.
Each exhibit consists of 3 single-sided banners, each of which measure 32 inches wide by 83 inches tall when displayed. Each is packed inside a padded bag, and shipped in a large cylindrical plastic graphics case, 40 inches high. Each banner consists of a stand, a telescoping pole, and the banner itself; all of these components are in one unit. The stands should be arranged side by side.
Exhibits are available for pick up if you are in the Houston area. Otherwise, the borrower will be asked to pay shipping costs. For additional information, please contact the Education and Public Engagement staff at the Lunar and Planetary Institute by calling 281-486-2163 or e-mailing [email protected].