Special Issue of Icarus on Current and Recent Landscape Evolution on Mars

There is a call for papers for a special issue of Icarus onย Current and Recent Landscape Evolution on Mars.

The temporal and geographical distribution of liquid water on early Mars is thought to have been much more ubiquitous and long-standing than it is today, as current boundary-conditions exhibit extreme aridity, generally low atmospheric pressure, and mean temperatures largely below the freezing point of water. On the other hand, relatively recent if not current revisions of the Martian surface by a) possibly wet flows; b) the ephemeral but iterative presence of RSLs; and, c) glacial and periglacial-like processes, suggest that liquid water may be playing a much more dynamically-enigmatic role in the Late Amazonian Epoch than had been thought hitherto. On the other hand, some workers have suggested that CO2, or other water-unrelated processes are the only plausible agents of landscape change under current or relatively-recent conditions. Articles that address this debate or that focus on related questions or issues would be welcomed.
