Release of the NASA Discovery Program 2019 Announcement of Opportunity

Release of the NASA Discovery Program 2019 Announcement of Opportunity

Solicitation Number: NNH19ZDA010O

NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) is releasing the 2019 Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for Discovery Program mission investigations.  The Discovery Program conducts Principal Investigator (PI)-led space science investigations in SMD’s planetary programs under a not-to-exceed cost cap for the PI-Managed Mission Cost (PMMC).  At the conclusion of Phase A concept studies, it is planned that no more than two Discovery investigations of sufficient merit will be down-selected to continue into subsequent mission phases.  Discovery Program investigations must address NASA’s planetary science objectives as described in the 2018 NASA Strategic Plan and the 2014 NASA Science Plan.  Both documents are available at

NASA is releasing the Discovery 2019 AO on April 1, 2019.  The full text can be found on NSPIRES, the official NASA source, at and searching Open Solicitations for “Discovery” or “NNH19ZDA010O”.

The time frame for the solicitation is intended to be:

Release of final AO ……………………………………. April 1, 2019
Preproposal Conference (target) …………………….. April 26, 2019
Electronic Proposal Submittal Deadline

At 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time …………………………..


July 1, 2019

Step-1 Selections Announced (target) ……………… January 2020 (target)
Phase A Concept Study Reports due ………………. November 2020 (target)
Downselection of Investigation for Flight (target)…… April 2021 (target)
Launch Readiness Date………………………………. July 1, 2025, through Dec. 31,   2026, and/or July 1, 2028, through Dec. 31, 2029

Via email only address questions/comments on the AO to Dr. Thomas Wagner, Discovery Program Lead Scientist, Planetary Science Division, Science Mission Directorate, NASA, Washington, DC 20546. Email: [email protected]. Indicate in the email’s subject line: “Discovery AO 2019.” Anonymity of persons/institutions submitting questions will be preserved. Proposers are encouraged to send comments/questions, so they may be addressed at the Preproposal Conference.

To verify the pre-proposal telecon’s forthcoming date, start time, agenda, logistical information, etc., and/or to find, as they become available, responses to questions/comments and related information visit the 2019 Discovery Program Acquisition Website at: