Applications for the Summer Undergraduate Program for Planetary Research (SUPPR) Being Accepted

The Summer Undergraduate Program for Planetary Research, or SUPPR, is an eight-week summer internship providing undergraduates majoring in geology and related sciences with an opportunity to participate in NASA planetary geosciences research. Students work under the direction of a NASA-sponsored planetary science investigator at various science institutions. The program is designed to help students gain educational experience in their fields of study while contributing to NASA missions and science.

Request a summer intern
Mentors can request an intern by submitting a research project using theย online application form. Mentors should describe the project for which the intern will apply and any necessary skills the intern needs to have. The deadline for this request is the same as the deadline for the undergraduate application.

Mentor Responsibilities:

  • Supervise the student for 8 weeks during the summer (dates to be determined between the mentor and the intern)
  • Help the student locate local and affordable housing
  • Help the student develop an LPSC-style abstract at the end of the internship

For more information, visit the SUPPR website at