AGU 2020 Session P046: The Use of Analog Environments in Preparing for the Exploration and Characterization of Planetary Surfaces

Dear Colleagues,

We’d like to announce a planetary analog research focused session at this fall’s AGU meeting, “P046 – The Use of Analog Environments in Preparing for the Exploration and Characterization of Planetary Surfaces” 


Recent exploration of outer solar system bodies and upcoming missions to the surface of the Moon and Mars have opened new science and exploration questions that are uniquely addressed by studying analogous sites on Earth. Terrestrial analog environments and simulants enable investigations into surface and near-surface processes as well as methods and instrumentation to explore other planetary bodies. Studies that inform planetary science through the Earth using field work and laboratory studies of simulants are welcome, as are studies that inform exploration techniques and procedures on planetary surfaces by focusing on crewed and robotic mission operations through an analog context.

See more and submit an abstract before July 29 at

Thanks for considering this session and spread the word!

Sincerely, the Conveners:

Jacob Richardson, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Erika Rader, University of Idaho

Ernest Bell, University of Maryland

Elise Rumpf, USGS Astrogeology