Call for Papers: “Ices in the Solar System” Icarus Special Issue

Ices, whether composed of frozen water or other frozen species, are ubiquitous in the solar system. They have been observed, deduced, and/or hypothesized on bodies large and small and at, near, or buried below surfaces. They are ephemeral, periodic, or relatively long-standing and stable. They can be at or near-thaw temperatures on some bodies and far away from thaw on others. Ice origins are as diverse as the species themselves and the locations where they are observed, deduced, or hypothesized. Some ices date back to the origin of the solar system; others do not and may be much more recent if not contemporary.

A special issue of Icarus aims to fuse a diverse group of early-, mid-, and senior-career planetary scientists whose work focuses on ices and provide a dynamic platform for presenting and exchanging their most current observations, interpretations, hypotheses, and/or explanations. Discussion of mission-exploration plans and options, current and/or proposed, also would be welcomed.

You are invited to submit your manuscript at any time before September 1, 2023. Please submit the manuscript via journal online submission system at Editorial Manager® and select the article type of “SI:Ices in the Solar System” when submitting your manuscript online.

Guest editors: Richard Soare, Pierre Williams, Adam Hepburn, Ines Belgacem, Tara Tomlinson, Natalie Wolfenbarger, Jim Garvin