Destination Moon:
The Apollo Mission Exhibition Lands at Seattle’s Museum of Flight
The spacecraft flown on humankind’s first journey to the Moon is the centerpiece of the Museum’s special exhibition. Destination Moon: The Apollo 11 Mission, presented in partnership with the Smithsonian Institution, celebrates that historic flight. The challenge of putting the first steps on the Moon moved a nation during the 1960s, Apollo’s legacy now inspires today’s spaceflight adventurers. The exhibition takes you back with original Apollo 11-flown objects, interactives and unique artifacts from the Space Race. Along the way, you too will feel reason to celebrate the beginning of today’s New Space Age.
In its only West Coast appearance, Destination Moon will be on view until September 2, and will feature special programs throughout the run of the exhibition, plus a weekend festival during the July 20, 50th anniversary of the giant leap for humanity. The exhibition includes more that 20 one-of-a-kind artifacts from the Smithsonian, many flown on the historic mission, plus dozens of NASA and Russian spaceflight additions from the Museum’s renowned collection.
Highlighting the exhibition is the historic NASA Apollo 11 command module, Columbia. Visitors can see the spaceship up close like never before, and can explore its intricate interior with an interactive 3-D tour created from the Smithsonian’s high-resolution scans.
The Smithsonian’s Destination Moon exhibition is enhanced with The Museum of Flight’s own Space Race displays with rare objects like a Soviet Sputnik satellite, early cosmonaut spacesuit, and the world’s only display of the remains of the rocket engines that boosted Apollo missions to the Moon. Also unique is a gallery about the legacy of Seattle-area industry, astronauts, and engineers to the space program.
Family experiences include spaceflight interactives and an indoor playground with a full-scale, hands-on command module.
The Museum is the final location for Destination Moon, capping a two-year tour to four museums by the National Air and Space Museum and the Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service. This Destination Moon tour marks the first time the Apollo 11 command module Columbia has left the National Air and Space Museum since the museum opened to the public in 1976. Before entering the collection, the command module traveled on a 50-state tour throughout 1970 and 1971 covering more than 26,000 miles. It then went on display in the Smithsonian’s Arts and Industries Building before the current National Air and Space Museum was built on the National Mall.