Dynamic Mars:
Recent and Current Landscape Evolution of the Red Planet

Dynamic Mars: Recent and Current Landscape Evolution of the Red PlanetElsevier, 2018, 474 pp., Paperback. $150.00. http://www.elsevier.com

Dynamic Mars: Recent and Current Landscape Evolution of the Red Planet presents the latest observations, interpretations, and explanations of geological change at the surface or near-surface of this terrestrial body. These changes raise questions about a decades-old paradigm, formed largely in the aftermath of very coarse Mariner-mission imagery in the 1960s, suggesting that much of the interesting geological activity on Mars occurred deep in its past, eons ago. The book includes discussions of Mars’ ever-changing atmosphere and the impact of this on the planet’s surface and near-surface; the possible involvement of water in relatively new, if not contemporary, gully-like flows and slope streaks (i.e., recurring slope lineae); and the identification of a broad suite of agents and processes (i.e., glacial, periglacial, aeolian, meteorological, volcanic, and meteoric) that are actively revising surface and near-surface landscapes, landforms, and features on a local, regional, and hemispheric scale. Highly illustrated and punctuated by data from the most recent Mars missions, Dynamic Mars is a valuable resource for all levels of research in the geological history of Mars, as well as of the three other terrestrial planets.

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