Heat Transport and Energetics of the Earth and Rocky Planets

Heat Transport and Energetics of the Earth and Rocky PlanetsElsevier, 2019, 366 pp., Paperback, $115.00. www.elsevier.com

Heat Transport and Energetics of the Earth and Rocky Planets provides a better understanding of the interior of Earth by addressing the processes related to the motion of heat in large bodies. By addressing issues such as the effect of self-gravitation on the thermal state of Earth, the effect of length-scales on heat transport, important observations of Earth, and a comparison to the behavior of other rocky bodies, readers will find clearly delineated discussions on the thermal state and evolution of our planet. Using a combination of fundamentals, new developments, and scientific and mathematical principles, the book summarizes the state of the art. This timely reference is an important resource for geophysicists, planetary scientists, geologists, geochemists, and seismologists to gain a better understanding of the interior, formation, and evolution of planetary bodies.

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