Upcoming Public Event Opportunities
Upcoming opportunities exist for educator and public engagement around the broader topics of NASA planetary exploration. Contact local astronomical societies, planetariums and museums, local scientists, and NASA’s Solar System Ambassadors (solarsystem.nasa.gov/ssa/directory.cfm) — ask them to join your events and share their experiences or resources with your audience.
Summer of Space, Summer 2019
In the summer of 2019, 16,000 libraries across the country will celebrate space exploration in their summer reading programs. The slogan “A Universe of Stories” was chosen by library professionals. Consider contacting your local public library to find out how you can be involved!
Perseid Meteor Shower, August 11–13
The Perseid meteors are made of pieces from Comet Swift-Tuttle and appear to originate from the constellation Perseus, hence their name. Learn more about the Perseids at https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/small-bodies/meteors-and-meteorites/perseids/in-depth.
Fall Equinox, September 23, 2019, 07:50 UTC
Fall begins in the northern hemisphere; spring begins in the southern hemisphere. Set up solar telescopes to view the Sun with your community and discuss the reason for the seasons!