Shuttle Views the Earth: Clouds from Space

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1. Meteosat View of Red Sea Region
1. Meteosat View of
Red Sea Region

2. Jet Stream Cirrus
2. Jet Stream Cirrus
3. GOES View of Eastern United States
3. GOES View of
Eastern United States
4. Florida Squall Line
4. Florida Squall Line
5. Brazil, Thunderstorms
5. Brazil, Thunderstorms
6. Cumulus Cloud Tops
6. Cumulus Cloud Tops
7. Field of Cumulonimbus
7. Field of Cumulonimbus
8. Cloud Margin, Bering Sea
8. Cloud Margin,
Bering Sea
9. Overlying Weather Systems
9. Overlying Weather Systems
10. Coastal Current, Namibia
10. Coastal Current, Namibia
11. Unique Cloud Lanes, Oman
11. Unique Cloud Lanes, Oman
12. Jet Stream Cirrus, Saudi Arabia
12. Jet Stream Cirrus,
Saudi Arabia
13. Sharp-Edged Cirrus, Namibia
13. Sharp-Edged
Cirrus, Namibia
14. Jet Stream Convergence
14. Jet Stream Convergence
15. Cloud Streets, Tiladumati Atoll, Maldive Islands
15. Cloud Streets,
Tiladumati Atoll,
Maldive Islands
16. Cuba, Land-Sea Breeze
16. Cuba, Land-Sea Breeze
17.Hawaii, Island Wake
17. Hawaii, Island Wake
18. Hawaii Cloud Arc
18. Hawaii Cloud Arc
19. Cloud-Shrouded Volcanos, Galapagos Islands
19. Cloud-Shrouded Volcanos,
Galapagos Islands
20. Von Karman Vortices, Baja California
20. Von Karman Vortices,
Baja California
21. Cloud Tail, Lake Tana
21. Cloud Tail, Lake Tana
22. Lake-Driven Snow
22. Lake-Driven Snow
23. Open Cells Over Ocean
23. Open Cells Over Ocean
24. Donut Cloud
24. Donut Cloud

25. Cold Core Eddies
25. Cold Core Eddies

26. Decaying Tropical Storm
26. Decaying Tropical Storm
27. Anticyclonic Clouds
27. Anticyclonic Clouds
28. Typhoon Odessa
28. Typhoon Odessa
29. Eye of Hurricane Kamysi
29. Eye of Hurricane Kamysi

30. Typhoon Odessa
30. Typhoon Odessa

31. Two Fujiwara Typhoons
31. Two Fujiwara Typhoons
32. Golden Sunrise
32. Golden Sunrise
33. Agricultural Burning, Madagascar
33. Agricultural Burning, Madagascar
34. Agricultural Burning, Malawi
34. Agricultural Burning, Malawi

35. Sunrise
35. Sunrise

36.Point Source Dust Storm
36. Point Source
Dust Storm
37. Hawaiian Volcanic Eruption Plume
37. Hawaiian Volcanic
Eruption Plume
38. Kelvin Wakes
38. Kelvin Wakes
39. Weather System Margin
39. Weather System Margin
40. Query Cloud
40. Query Cloud