Early Career Opportunities
The Small Body Advisory Group has several opportunities for early career scientists and students working with small bodies. We encourage interested early career researchers to sign up for the SBAG Indication of interest to get information about the latest opportunities.
Early Career Travel Grants
For the majority of SBAG meetings, NASA offers grants to offset the travel costs for early-career researchers to attend SBAG. Successful applicants will present some of their research during the meeting and assist with meeting logistics (moving the mic around the room or monitoring the online question forum). The call for applicants is announced approximately three months in advance of each SBAG meeting at https://www.lpi.usra.edu/sbag/meetings/ and via the SBAG listserv.
Early Career Lightning Talks
SBAG meetings include a time-slot for students and early career researchers to present 3 to 5-minute lighting talks about their research. Interested presenters should check https://www.lpi.usra.edu/sbag/meetings/ regularly for details on upcoming SBAG meetings.
SBAG Early Career Secretary
The early career secretary is a full member of SBAG steering committee and assists in the organization and running of the SBAG meetings. Each term is 2.5 years with 6 months of overlap between two early career secretaries.
If you have any questions about the early career opportunities within SBAG please contact the current Early Career Secretary Stephanie Jarmak ([email protected]) and Darryl Seligman ([email protected]).