1st Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group
January 12–13, 2009
Agenda and Presentations
Monday, January 12
Planetary Science Division Update & Small Bodies Research in PSD
James L. Green
Near Earth Object Program
Lindley Johnson
Near-Earth Object Surveys and Hazard Mitigation Strategies An NRC Study
Michael F. A'Hearn and Faith Vilas
DI, EPOXI, NExt and Various Tirades
Michael F. A'Hearn
Rosette Steins flyby (avi)
Paul Weissman
NASA's Dawn Mission Journey to the Asteroid Frontier
Lucy McFadden
New Horizons Pluto/KBO Mission
Hal Weaver
Argo Voyage Through the Outer Solar System
Candice Hansen & Heidi B. Hammel
Stardust and Hayabusa Missions
Mike Zolensky
Tuesday, January 13
Stardust-NExT A Mission to Complete the Exploration of Comet Temple 1 with Stardust
J. Veverka
International Primitive Body Exploration Working Group (IPEWG)
Mark V. Sykes
In-Space Propulsion Technology Current Products, Future Plans, and Relevance to Small Body Missions
John Dankanich
Small Body Mission Concepts
Luke Sollitt and Keith Kroening