2nd Meeting of the NASA Small Bodies Assessment Group
November 18–19, 2009
Agenda and Presentations
November 18, 2009
8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Opening
- Welcome, review of SBAG activities since last meeting, overview of NASA funding for small bodies-related research programs (M. Sykes, PSI) [10 min.]
- HQ response to findings from first meeting (M. Kelley, HQ - Webex) [15 min.]
- HQ issues and directions in small bodies, and status of the Discovery AO, Nf proposals breakdown as allowable (L. Johnson, HQ) [25 min.]
9:20 a.m. – 12:00 noon Mission Updates (10:30 a.m.–10:45 a.m. – Break)
- The range/calendars of missions relevant to small bodies (M. Sykes, PSI) [5 min.]
- Dawn (C. Raymond, JPL) [20 min.]
- EPOXI (D. Wellnitz, U. Maryland) [20 min.]
- NeXT (D. Scheeres, U. Colorado) [20 min.]
- Rosetta (P. Weissman, JPL) [20 min.]
- Cassini (B. Buratti, JPL) [20 min.]
- New Horizons (H. Weaver, APL) [20 min.]
- WISE (A. Mainzer, JPL) [20 min.]
Noon – 1:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 – 5:30 p.m. Roadmap for the Future of Small Bodies Exploration (3:00 – 3:30 p.m. Break)
- Scope/development plan of the Roadmap as a dynamic document (M. Sykes, PSI) [20 min.]
- Science Issues
- Population Identification and Characterization
- In-situ study
- Sample Return
- Human Exploration
- Science Issues Discussion (Lead: A. Cochran, UT Austin) [60 min.]
- Overview of issues identified in SBAG decadal white papers and other documents
- Other perspectives
- Population Identification and Characterization (Lead: W. Bottke, SWRI) [80 min.]
- NEO surveys (L. Johnsons, NASA HQ) [20 min.]
- and their impact on our knowledge of all small body populations
- A space-based component for identifying small body populations (A. Mainzer, JPL) [15 min.]
- Ongoing characterization efforts
- Ground-based and space-based components for a long-term program to systematically characterize small body populations [SBAG Finding 1/13/09]
- Hazard assessment
- In-situ Study (Lead: P. Weissman, JPL) [80 min.]
- Opportunities for flybys, rendezvous and landers by mission and target class
- In-space propulsion options and constraints (J. Dankanich, NASA Glenn) [15 min.]
- Technology development needed
- Technology workshop announcement (W. Grundy, Lowell Obs.) [5 min.]
5:30 End of Day 1
November 19, 2009
8:30 – 11:30 a.m. Roadmap of the Future of Small Bodies Exploration (Continued) (9:50 – 10:10 a.m. - Break)
- Sample Return (Lead: M. Zolensky, NASA JSC [80 min.]
- Target constraints for mission classes
- Technology development needed
- Facility requirements for sample analysis
- Human Exploration (Leads: P. Abell, PSI) [80 min.]
- ESMD perspective on Flexible Path scenario (TBD) [20 min.]
- Plans for a crewed mission to an NEO (J. Hopkins, LMCO) [20 min.]
- Role of small bodies in long-term human space activity (M. Sykes, PSI) [20 min.]
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Organizing IPEWG and Future SBAG Meetings
- International Primitive Body Exploration Working Group
- Time and location for next two SBAG meetings
12:00 – 12:30 p.m. Review Findings and Recommendations
12:30 p.m. End of Second SBAG Meeting