Treiman Main Page Mars The Moon Venus Earth Asteroids Resources Research Philosophy
Thin section view of the NWA 998 martian meteorite.
- Rock-Water Chemical Reactions.
- Magmatic Processes and Magma Compositions.
- Martian Meteorites.
- Mars Gullies.
Spacecraft Participation
- Mars 2020, Co-I with PIXL Instrument (X-ray Fluorescence).
- Mars Science Laboratory, Co-I with CheMin Instrument (X-ray Diffraction).
Current Abstracts
Schwenzer S.P., Bullock M.A., Bridges J.C., Chavez C., Filiberto J., Kelley S.P., Miller M., Moore J.M., Smith H., Swindle T.D., and Treiman A.H. (2016) Noble gas fractionation in hydrous rock alteration under diagenetic pressure and temperature conditions. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 47. Abstract #1889.
Rampe E.B., Ming D.W., Morris R.V., Blake D.F., Bristow T.F., Chipera S.J., Vaniman D.T., Yen A.S., Grotzinger J.P., Downs R.T., Morrison S.M., Achilles C.N., Bish D.L., Cavanagh P.D., Craig P.I., Crisp J.A., FairŽn A.G., Des Marais D.J., Farmer J.D., Fendrich K.V., Morookian J.M., and Treiman A.H. (2016) Acid-sulfate alteration in the Murray Formation, Gale Crater, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 47. Abstract #2543.
Morris R.V., Vaniman D.T., Blake D.F., Gellert R., Chipera S.J., Rampe E.B., Ming D.W., Morrison S.M., Downs R.T., Treiman A.H., Yen A.S., Achilles C.N., Bristow T.F., Crisp J.A., Des Marais D.J., Farmer J.D., Fendrich K.V., Frydenvang J., Graff T.G., Grotzinger J.P., Morookian J.M., Schwenzer S.P., and MSL Science Team (2016) High-temperature, perhaps silicic, volcanism on Mars evidenced by tridymite detection in high-SiO2 sedimentary rock at Gale Crater, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 47. Abstract #2581.
Le Deit L., Mangold N., Forni O., Cousin A., Lasue J., Schršder S., Wiens R.C., Sumner D., Fabre C., Stack K.M., Anderson R., Blaney D., Clegg S., Dromart G., Fisk M., Gasnault O., Grotzinger J.P., Gupta S., Lanza N., Le Mouelic S., Maurice S., McLennan S.M., Meslin P.-Y., Nachon M., Newsom H., PayrŽ V., Rapin W., Rice M., Sautter V., and Treiman A.H. (2016) The potassic sedimentary rocks in Gale Crater, Mars, as seen by ChemCam onboard Curiosity. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 47. Abstract #1163.
Achilles C.N., Vaniman D.T., Blake D.F., Bristow T.F., Rampe E.B., Ming D.W., Chipera S.J., Morris R.V., Morrison S.M., Downs R.T., Fendrich K.V., Ehlmann B.L., Yen A.S., Sarrazin P.C., Treiman A.H., Craig P.I., Lapotre M.G.A., Edgett K.S., Gellert R., Crisp J.A., Morookian J.M., Grotzinger J.P., Des Marais D.J., and Farmer J.D. (2016) Mineralogy of eolian sands at Gale Crater. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 47. Abstract #2532.
Fries M., Christou A., Archer D., Conrad P., Cooke W., Eigenbrode J., ten Kate I. L., Matney M., Niles P., Sykes M., Steele A., and Treiman A.H. (2016) Martian methane from a cometary source: A hypothesis. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 47. Abstract #2932.
Treiman A.H. (2015) Martian geochemistry, from SNCs to Curiosity: Diversity in a complex planet. Invited Presentation at Goldschmidt Conference, Geochemical Society; Abstract, #3603.
Recent Papers
Treiman A.H., et legio (2016) Mineralogy, provenance, and diagenesis of a potassic basaltic siltstone on Mars: CheMin X-ray diffraction of the Windjana sample (Kimberley area, Gale Crater). Journal of Geophysical Research -- Planets. DOI: 10.1002/2015JE004932.
Sonzogni Y., and Treiman A.H. (2015) Small melt inclusions can record bulk magma composition: A planetary example from the Martian basalt (shergottite) Tissint. Meteorics and Planetary Science 50, 1180-1195. LPI contribution #1882. E10009.
Fries M., Christou A., Archer D., Conrad P, Cooke W., Eigenbrode J., ten Kate I.L., Matney M., Niles P., Sykes M., Steele A., and Treiman A. (2015) A cometary origin for martian methane. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 2, doi:10.7185/geochemlet.160. LPI contribution #1886.
Treiman A.H., and Filiberto J. (2015) Geochemical diversity of shergottite basalts: Mixing and fractionation, and their relation to Mars surface basalts. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 50, 632-648. LPI Contrib. #1827.
Treiman A.H., Morris R.V., Agresti D.G., Achilles C.N., Bristow T.F., Rampe; E.B., Ming D.W., Blake D.F., Vaniman D.T., Bish D.L., Chipera S.J., Morrison S.M., and Downs R.T. (2014) Ferrian saponite from the Santa Monica Mountains (California, USA, Earth): Characterization as an analog for clay minerals on Mars with application to Yellowknife Bay in Gale Crater. American Mineralogist 99, 2234-2250. LPI Contrib. #1784.
Filiberto J., Treiman A.H., Giesting P.A., Goodrich C.A., and Gross J. (2014) High-temperature chlorine-rich fluid in the martian crust: A precursor to habitability. Earth Planetary Science Letters 401, 110-115.
Goodrich C.A., Treiman A.H., Filiberto J., Gross J., and Jercinovic M. (2013) K2O-rich trapped melt in olivine in the Nakhla meteorite: Implications for petrogenesis of nakhlites and evolution of the martian mantle. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 48, 2371-2405. LPI Contrib. #1745.
Vaniman D.T., Bish D.L., Blake D.F., Chipera S.J., Morris R.V., Ming D.W., Sarrazin P.C., Treiman A.H., Downs R.T., Achilles C.N., Morrison S.M., Yen A.S., Bristow T.F., Morookian J.M., Farmer J.D., Crisp J.A., Rampe E.B., Stolper E.M., Spanovich N., and the MSL Team (2013) John Klein: Mineralogy of a mudstone on Mars. Science DOI:10.1126/science.1243480. LPI Contrib. #1755.
Stolper E.M., Baker M.B., Newcombe M.E., Schmidt M.E., Treiman A.H., Cousin A., Dyar M.D., Fisk M.R., Gellert R., King P.L., Leshin L., Maurice S., McLennan S.M., Minitti M.E., Perrett G., Rowland S., Sautter V., Wiens R.C., and the MSL Science Team (2013) The petrochemistry of Jake_M: A martian mugearite. EScience 341(6153), 1239463, DOI:10.1126/science.1239463 LPI Contrib. #1744.
Gross J., Filiberto J., Herd C.D.K., Melwani Daswani M., Schwenzer S.P., and Treiman A.H. (2013) Petrography, mineral chemistry, and crystallization history of olivine-phyric shergottite NWA 6234: A new intermediate melt composition. Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences 48, 854-871.
Cedillo-Flores Y., Treiman A.H., Lasue J., and Clifford S.M (2011) Gas fluidization in the initiation of martian gullies. Geophysical Research Letters 38, L21202.
Treiman A.H., and Essene E.J. (2011) Chemical composition of magnetite in Martian meteorite Allan Hills 84001: Revised appraisal from thermochemistry of phases in Fe-Mg-C-O. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75, 5324-5335.