Treiman Main Page Mars The Moon Venus Earth Asteroids Resources Research Philosophy
Sapas Mons. Magellan radar draped over Magellan topography. Vertical exaggeration 20:1. Hideous false color.
- Surface-atmosphere chemical reactions.
- Magma Chemistry
Spacecraft Participation
- VISAGE 'New Frontiers 4' lander proposal, current.
- VERITAS "Discovery' orbiter proposal, 2010.
- SAGE 'New Frontiers' lander proposals, 2004, 2009.
Managment / Advisory / Analysis
- Venus Technology and Instrumentation Workshop, Section Lead 2015.
- NASA Decadal Survey, 2011, Member of Inner Planets Panel (included Venus).
- Venus Flagship Study, member, 2010.
- Venus Geochemistry Workshop, Convenor, 2009.
- VEXAG Active Participant, 2009-present.
Current Abstracts
Treiman A.H., Harrington E., and Sharpton V. (2016) Venus' radar-bright highlands: Different signatures and materials on Ovda Regio and on Maxwell Montes. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 47. Abstract #1037.
Treiman A.H., and Filiberto J. (2016) How good is good enough? Bulk chemical analyses of basalt by spacecraft instruments. Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 47. Abstract #1029.
Recent Papers
Treiman A.H., Harrington E., and Sharpton V. (submitted) Venus' radar-bright highlands: Different signatures and materials on Ovda Regio and on Maxwell Montes. In press at Icarus. May. 2016.
Gilmore M., Treiman A.H., Helbert J., and Smrekar S. (2016?) Venus Surface Composition Constrained by Observation and Experiment. For Space Science Reviews and Chapter III in book Venus III, Cambridge Univ. Press. E10009.
Martin A., Righter K., and Treiman A.H. (2012) Basalt + calcite + anhydrite stability at high pressure ? high temperature: Implications for Venus, the Earth and Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 331-332, 291-304.
Treiman A.H., and Bullock M.A. (2011) Mineral reaction buffering of Venus' atmosphere: A thermochemical constraint and implications for Venus-like planets. Icarus 217, 534-541.
Smrekar S.E., Stofan E.R., Mueller N., Treiman A., Elkins-Tanton L., and Helbert J. (2010) Evidence for recent hotspot volcanism on Venus and implications for resurfacing and weathering. Science 328, 605-608.
Treiman A.H. (2007) Geochemistry of Venus' surface: Current limitations as future opportunities. P. 7-22 in Exploring Venus as a Terrestrial Planet, (L.W. Esposito, E.R. Stofan, T.E. Cravens, Editors). AGU Monograph series 176, 250 pages.