Dr. Allan H. Treiman
Principal Scientist
Lunar and Planetary Institute
3600 Bay Area Boulevard
Houston, TX 77058
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 281-486-2117
Treiman Main Page Mars The Moon Venus Earth Asteroids Resources Research Philosophy
Geology, Petrology, and Geochemistry Across the Solar System
- Rock-Water Chemical Reactions
- Magmatic Processes and Magma Compositions
- Martian Meteorites
- Mars Gullies
Spacecraft Participation
- Mars 2020, Co-I with PIXL Instrument (X-ray Fluorescence).
- Mars Science Laboratory, Co-I with CheMin Instrument (X-ray Diffraction)
The Moon
- Volatile Components and Their Isotopes
- Ancient Lunar Highlands
- Lunar Meteorites
- Lunar Magma Ocean
Spacecraft Participation
- MARE, 'New Frontiers' geochemical lander proposal, 2015
Management / Advisory / Analysis
- Organizer, Second Lunar Highlands Conference, with field study at Stillwater Complex, 2012.
- Surface-atmosphere chemical reactions
- Magma Chemistry
Spacecraft Participation
- VISE 'New Frontiers' lander proposal, current
- VERITAS "Discovery' orbiter proposal, 2010
- SAGE 'New Frontiers' lander proposals, 2004, 2009
Management / Advisory / Analysis
- Venus Technology and Instrumentation Workshop, Section Lead 2015.
- NASA Decadal Survey, 2011, Member of Inner Planets Panel (included Venus).
- Venus Flagship Study, member, 2010.
- Venus Geochemistry Workshop, Convenor, 2009.
- VEXAG Active Participant, 2009-present.
The Earth
- Igneous Petrology
- Terrestrial Analogs
- Carbonatites
- Rumuruti (R) Chondrites
- Amphibole and Biotite: Implications for Asteroidal Volatiles
- Fragments in Ureilite Regolith Breccias
- Isotopic Constraints on Asteroidal Volatiles
- Rumuruti (R) Chondrites and Early Solar System
- Achondrites and Magma Oceans (?)
Recent Management
- Co-Lead, LPI-JSC Joint Working Group, Current
- Lead, NASA Proposal Review Panel Groups, Various
- Section Lead, Venus Technology and Instrumentation Workshop, 2015
- Associate Director, Lunar and Planetary Institute, 2010-2012
- Member, NASA Decadal Survey - Inner Planets Panel, 2011
- Member, Venus Flagship Study Team, 2010