Visiting Scientist
Lunar and Planetary Institute

[email protected]

Professional Background

2014 LPI Visiting Scientist
2012 Research Scientist/Postdoc with Prof. Korotev at Washington University in St. Louis
2011 LPI Visiting Scientist
2008 Postdoc with Dr. Kring at the LPI, Houston
2007 Postdoc with Prof. Reimold at the Museum of Natural History Berlin
2006 PhD, Humboldt University Berlin:
“Formation and emplacement of impactites from drill core Yaxcopoil-1, Chicxulub crater,        Mexico”
2002–2005 Research Assistant with Dr. Kenkmann at the Museum of Natural History Berlin
2001 Diplom (M.S.), University of Erlangen-Nürnberg:
"Geological Mapping, Petrography and Geochemistry of Ultramafics from Val Strona di Omegna
(Ivrea Zone), Northern Italy"

Current Research Projects

Petrology of lunar impact rocks with focus on cumulate impact melt rocks and mantle-derived lithologies.

Petrology of martian regolith breccia meteorites.

Petrology of terrestrial impact rocks from the Chicxulub, Rochechouart, and Ries craters.

Petrology and chronology of HED impact melt rocks.

Shock metamorphism of the rock-forming minerals

Invited Lectures

Invited lecture 'Petrology of Lunar Meteorite Shişr 161' at the Center for Meteorite Studies of Arizona State University, 2015.

Colloquium lecture 'Petrology of Lunar Meteorite Shişr 161' at the Department of Geology - Geography of Illinois State University, Bloomington-Normal 2013.

Seminar talk 'Petrology of Impactites from El’gygytgyn Crater, NE Siberia' at the Department of Geology of Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2013.

DPS/CESPAR Seminar talk “An LL at El’gygytgyn? Petrologic observations at one of the youngest, large terrestrial impact craters” at the Open University in Milton Keynes, England, 2013.

Colloquim talk ‘LaPaz Icefield 031047 – A feather of Icarus ?’ at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Washington University in St. Louis, 2012

Seminar talk “Impact cratering on the H-chondrite parent asteroid” at the Department of Geology of the University of New Brunswick in Fredericton, Canada, 2009.

Invited Lecture for the Network on Impact Research workshop and excursion in Gol, Norway: “Formation and Emplacement of Impactites in Large Terrestrial Impact Structures”, 2009

Scientific Seminar at the USGS National Center in Reston, VA.: “Petrological comparison of suevite-like rocks from the Chicxulub and Chesapeake Bay impact structures”, 2008

Scientific Colloquium at the Federal Agency for Geosciences and Natural Resources in Berlin: “Impactite petrography on a drill core through the Chicxulub impact crater”, 2006

Seminar of the Friends and Supporters of the Museum of Natural History, Berlin: “Geology of the lower continental crust – the Ivrea Zone (Southern Alps)”, 2005

Institute of Geophysics of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexcio City: “Impact-induced dike lithologies in drill core Yaxcopoil-1 (Chicxulub Impact structure, Mexico)”, 2004


Last updated
April 21, 2015