Space Science Series
In a unique collaborative agreement with The University of Arizona Press, the LPI provides all pre-press and production services for books in the Space Science Series. This collaboration, which began in 2000, has allowed the Series to continue and allows the Press to offer the volumes at an affordable price, keeping them within reach for everyone, particularly students, early career scientists, and those entering the field for the first time.
The Pluto System After New Horizons
Edited by S. Alan Stern; Jeffrey M. Moore; William M. Grundy; Leslie A. Young; Richard P. Binzel
2021, 688 pages
Planetary Astrobiology
Edited by Victoria Meadows; Giada Arney; Britney Schmidt; David J. Des Marais
2020, 552 pages
Enceladus and the Icy Moons of Saturn
Edited by Paul M. Schenk; Roger N. Clark; Carly J. A. Howett; Anne J. Verbiscer; J. Hunter Waite
2018, 536 pages
Asteroids IV
Edited by Patrick Michel; Francesca E. DeMeo; William F. Bottke Jr.
2015, 895 pages
Protostars and Planets VI
Edited by Henrik Beuther; Ralf S. Klessen; Cornelis P. Dullemond; Thomas Henning
2014, 952 pages
Comparative Climatology of Terrestrial Planets
Edited by Stephen J. Mackwell; Amy A. Simon-Miller; Jerald W. Harder; Mark A. Bullock
2013, 592 pages
Edited by Robert T. Pappalardo; William B. McKinnon; Krishan Khurana
2009, 720 pages
The Solar System Beyond Neptune
Edited by M. A. Barucci; H. Boehnhardt; D. P. Cruikshank; A. Morbidelli
2008, 592 pages
Protostars and Planets V
Edited by Bo Reipurth; David Jewitt; Klaus Keil
2007, 1024 pages
Meteorites and the Early Solar System II
Edited by Dante S. Lauretta and Harry Y. McSween
2006, 943 pages
Comets II
Edited by Michel C. Festou; H. Uwe Keller; Harold A. Weaver Jr.
2004, 780 pages
Asteroids III
Edited by William F. Bottke Jr.; Alberto Cellino; Paolo Paolicchi; Richard P. Binzel
2002, 785 pages
Origin of the Earth and Moon
Edited by Robin M. Canup; Kevin Righter
2000, 555 pages