Venus Resources
The “Venus research data and resources” Workgroup (VExAG SAW 18) is currently working on a revision for this ‘Resources’ webpage. This SAW aims to create a central platform that serves as a ‘stepping stone’ into Venus research for the (new) Venus community. Topics that are to be addressed are:
- Database products from missions
- Derived products from publications
- Ground-based observations and archives: a compilation of observational data from ground-based facilities
- Experimental facilities: Information on labs and facilities supporting Venus-related experiments
- Software tools for mapping, projecting, data post-processing
- Mapping resources
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We are in the process of compiling comprehensive lists for each of these topics, detailing data and resources, and where to find them. Examples of these preliminary lists are given below. We invite contributions from the community, whether it’s suggesting additional resources/data, or including your own data/publications on this platform. Your input is valuable in making this webpage as resourceful as possible. Do not hesitate to reach out to: [email protected].
Table 1: Preliminary list (as of April 04, 2024) on Mission database products that have to do with the Venusian surface. This list is still incomplete, and any knowledge/resources is still very much welcome.
Table 2: Preliminary list (as of April 04, 2024) on “Derived products” (from e.g. publications). We acknowledge that likely, this list is far from incomplete. Do you have additional comments or publications/data that you want to see included here? Do not hesitate to reach out!