Venus Science and Technology Definition Team (STDT)

NASA, as follow-up to a VEXAG recommendation in 2007, formed a Science and Technology Definition Team (STDT) in January 2008 in order to conduct an FY08 study of a Flagship mission to Venus. The VEXAG recommendation proposed that this STDT should assess:

  • Key scientific questions that can be addressed by a long-duration mobile mission to the surface or near-surface of Venus.
  • A mission architecture for addressing these scientific questions.
  • Technology investments needed to enable the Venus Flagship mission emphasizing long-lead time technologies needing early investment.

In particular, NASA is looking for a high-science return inner solar system Flagship with a launch in the 2020–2025 time frame. Assumptions and ground rules for a Venus Flagship Mission are: launch in 2020 to 2025, life-cycle mission costs of $3–4B (FY’08), a launch capability less than or equal to Delta IV Heavy, a DSN capability equivalent to a 70-m antenna at Ka band, no foreign cost contribution, and a technology maturity of TRL 6 by 2015. The VSDT Team developed a Design Reference Mission in the summer and fall 2008.  It consists of a dual launch on Atlas-Vs with orbiter first followed by a carrier with balloon and lander descent systems.  There will be 2 balloon/lander entries separated by 13 hours.  Launches would be in 2021/2022, although other opportunities could be accommodated.  Planned lifetimes are 5 hours for the lander, 30 days for the balloons and 2 years for the orbiter. Orbiter science observations would follow orbiter support of lander and balloon data relays and aerobraking to a circular orbit (230km altitude).  The orbiter will carry enough propellant for a addition 2-years extended mission. The final report of the STDT will be released in April, 2009.

Venus Flagship Mission Study

STDT Members

Science Conference Presentations

Bullock, M. A., Senske, D. A., Balint, T. S., Campbell, B. A., Chassefiere, E., Colaprete, A., Cutts, J. A., Gorevan, S., Grinspoon, D. H., Hall, J., Hartford, W., Hashimoto, G. L., Head, J. W., Hunter, G., Johnson, N., Kiefer, W. S., Kolawa, E. A., Kremic, T., Kwok, J., Limaye, S. S., Mackwell, S. J., Marov, M. Y., Ocampo, A., Schubert, G., Stofan, E. R., Svedhem, H., Titov, D. V., Treiman, A. H., 2008. NASA's Venus science and technology definition team:  A flagship mission to Venus. B.A.A.S. 40, 32.08.

Senske, D. A., Bullock, M. A., Balint, T. S., Benz, A., Campbell, B. A., Chassefiere, E., Colaprete, A., Cutts, J. A., Gorevan, S., Grinspoon, D. H., Hall, J., Hashimoto, G. L., Head, J. W., Hunter, G., Johnson, N., Kiefer, W. S., Kolawa, E. A., Kremic, T., Kwok, J., Limaye, S. S., Mackwell, S. J., Marov, M. Y., Ocampo, A., Schubert, G., Stofan, E. R., Svedhem, H., Titov, D. V., Treiman, A. H., 2008. A Venus Flagship mission: Exploring a world of contrasts. Fall AGU Conference. P22A-08.

Bullock, M. A., Senske, D. A., Balint, T. S., Benz, A., Campbell, B. A., Chassefiere, E., Colaprete, A., Cutts, J. A., Glaze, L., Gorevan, S., Grinspoon, D. H., Hall, J., Hashimoto, G. L., Head, J. W., Hunter, G., Johnson, N., Kerzhanovich, V. V., Kiefer, W. S., Kolawa, E. A., Kremic, T., Kwok, J., Limaye, S. S., Mackwell, S. J., Marov, M. Y., Ocampo, A., Schubert, G., Stofan, E. R., Svedhem, H., Titov, D. V., Treiman, A. H., 2009. A Venus flagship mission:  Report of the Venus Science and Technology Definition Team. Lunar and Planetary Science. 40.

Balint, T., STDT, V., Team, V. F. S., 2009. Summary of NASA's flagship class Venus mission study. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 11.

Balint, T., Kwok, J. H., Kolawa, E. A., Cutts, J. A., Senske, D. A.. Mission Architecture and Technology Options for a Flagship Class Venus In Situ Mission. IAC-08-A3.6.9

Peterson, C., Balint, T., Cutts, J., Kwok, J., Hall, J. L., Bullock, M. A., Senske, D., Kolawa, E. A., 2009. Using Science, Cost, and Technology Readiness to Evaluate Low Concept Maturity Mission Elements and Architectures for a Venus Flagship Mission. AIAA.

Venus STDT Presentations

Interim Briefing to VEXAG May 7
NASA Headquarters, May 9, 2008

Briefing to the PSS
October 3, 2008

Final Report Outline
November 26, 2008

Fall AGU 2008
December 16, 2008

Venus STDT 2008 Poster

NASA's Science and Technology Definition Team: A Flagship Mission to Venus


Last updated
June 22, 2011